Urban and Spatial Economics PhD Workshop

Workshop for Helsinki GSE and FDPE PhD students

We would like to encourage all PhD students that are working on topics related to urban economics or spatial economics in a broad sense to submit a paper or an extended abstract to this workshop. Works in progress are welcome as long as you submit an abstract describing the research project and you have made enough progress by the time of the workshop for a short presentation. Each paper will be discussed by a faculty member or researcher affiliated to the Urban Economics research group. The workshop will be on-site at the Aalto University Otaniemi campus on May 30th.

Please send your draft or an abstract and a title of your paper to Pablo Warnes at pablo.warnes@aalto.fi by May 10th. When sending your draft or abstract and title, please include “Urban and Spatial Economics PhD Student Workshop” as part of the subject. We plan on including both short (15-25 min.) and long (40-50 min.) presentations, if you have a specific preference for one type of presentation (short or long), please let us know with the submission email.

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