Helsinki GSE – The Best in Economics Combined

Helsinki Graduate School of Economics is an academic initiative bringing together three Finnish universities – Aalto University, Hanken School of Economics, and University of Helsinki. We are building on and extending the cooperation between our departments and third-parties.

Helsinki GSE

By joining the forces of three universities, our mission is to produce outstanding research with maximum academic and social impact – both nationally and internationally, to attract and educate the next generation of world-class economists and to offer excellent training across disciplinary borders.

Our ambition is to be consistently recognized both as one of the top institutions for research and education in Economics and as a significant force for developing society.

Helsinki GSE’s objectives are

  • to develop, coordinate, and carry out international top class research and education in economics
  • to interact with universities, research institutes, and public and private entities engaged in research in economics both internationally and nationally, in particular by also increasing cooperation between economics and other scientific disciplines, and
  • to promote the societal and global impact of research in economics.
  • Anni Huhtala
  • Timo Korkeamäki
  • Kristiina Mäkelä
  • Anne Portaankorva
  • Helena Rantakaulio
  • Heidi Schauman, chair
  • Marjaana Seppänen
  • Rune Stenbacka
  • Oskari Nokso-Koivisto, secretary of the board

Annual reports (in Finnish)


Helsinki GSE condemns anykind of inappropriate behavior, bullying or harassment.

Helsinki GSE is an economics community made up of many different actors, all committed to preventing harassment and inappropriate behavior in their work.

Each and every supervisor and teacher at the University is obligated to address the situation if they notice inappropriate behavior, bullying or harassment in his or her work or study community.

If you experience inappropriate treatment or harassment, you can find more information and seek help through the following guidelines. (You may need to be logged in to access these resources)

Aalto University

University of Helsinki


If you experience inappropriate behavior contact primarily your own institution. The Helsinki GSE office is also always at your disposal. Please contact

Equality Committee

  • Cecilia Blomster, Hanken
  • Marja-Liisa Halko (C.), University of Helsinki
  • Annika Nivala, VATT
  • Jukka Pirttilä, University of Helsinki
  • Helena Rantakaulio, Aalto University
  • Tuukka Saarimaa, Aalto University

Principles of Professional Conduct for the Helsinki GSE define how we behave in the GSE community, what we expect from others, and what kind of image we give out of the GSE. The GSE community consists of members of the GSE research teams and master and doctoral students in economics of the University of Helsinki, Aalto University and Hanken.

The Principles of Professional Conduct for the Helsinki GSE do not replace, but support, the equality guidelines of the participating units.

The following two basic principles determine how we operate at the Helsinki GSE:

  • Freedom of discussion: GSE members are free to contribute to the discussion and each idea is objectively evaluated, regardless of who presents it.
  • Equal opportunities: In the GSE, everyone is treated fairly, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity or national origin.

The Equality Committee of the Helsinki GSE supports the debate on equality issues and provides relevant information. The Committee cooperates with the equality bodies of the parent universities and, if necessary, directs problematic situations to their consideration. The Committee monitors the development of equality at the Helsinki GSE and reports annually to the Board.

Code of professional conduct

Climate Survey

Arkadiankatu 7,
Economicum building,
room A214

Ekonominaukio 1,
Aalto University School of Business,
Department of Economics

Helsinki Graduate School of Economics
PO BOX 21210
FI-00076 AALTO