Studies within the Helsinki GSE teaching cooperation

The Department of Economics at Aalto University, together with the disciplines of economics at Hanken School of Economics and the University of Helsinki, forms the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics (Helsinki GSE). One of the main objectives of the Helsinki GSE is to develop, coordinate, and carry out education in economics. Education in economics at the Master's and doctoral levels is arranged through cooperation in teaching: students can take economics courses from each of the three partnering Helsinki GSE universities. Cooperation within the Bachelor's level teaching started in Fall 2022. Helsinki GSE offers the most extensive selection of economics courses in Finland. While the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics Cooperation Education Network agreement guarantees all students access to the joint teaching resources, the individual programs and universities remain the basic units of education, organizing the courses, and granting the degrees.

Also the Finnish Doctoral Programme in Economics - a cooperative platform between 9 units of economics discipline in Finnish universities - is part of the teaching cooperation: all the doctoral level courses organized by FDPE member universities are available to doctoral students in Finland.

Further information on course registration, credit transfer etc. can be found here:

Master’s and PhD programs within Hesinki GSE offer a wide selection of courses covering all the main fields of economics. Courses included in the teaching cooperation enable our students to learn the essential core of economics at an advanced level, while providing them with the possibility to tailor their education according to their specific interests.

Academic year 2024-2025 courses are listed here:

Before taking and completing a course make sure that the credits can be counted towards your degree at your home university by checking which courses are included in your curriculum or contacting your home university’s student/learning services. All the PhD students are advised to contact their supervisors to be sure that the course credit can be counted towards their degree. To be able to apply for credit transfer the credits must also fit into your degree. More information on how the credits are registered and incorporated into your degree by credit transfer can be found on the webpage Studies - FAQ