Events & Seminars


  • José Ignacio Cuesta

    Stanford University

    “Vertical Integration and Plan Design in Health Insurance Markets”, with Carlos Noton and Benjamin Vatter

    • Colloquium
  • Harald Uhlig

    The University of Chicago

    Neoclassical Growth with One-Sided Commitment (with Dirk Krueger, Fulin Li and Yoshiki Ando)

    • Colloquium
  • Donald R. Davis

    Columbia University

    Segregation, Spillovers, and the Locus of Racial Change (with Matthew Easton and Stephan Thies)

    • Colloquium
  • CANCELLED: Matz Dahlberg

    Uppsala University

    The content of this event has not been announced yet. Please check back later.

    • Colloquium
  • Jonathan de Quidt

    Queen Mary University of London

    How Much Should We Trust Observational Estimates? Accumulating Evidence Using Randomized Controlled Trials with Imperfect Compliance (David Rhys …

    • Colloquium
  • Christopher Conlon

    NYU, Stern

    The Cost of Curbing Externalities with Market Power: Alcohol Regulations and Tax Alternatives (with Nirupama Rao)

    • Colloquium
  • Monique De Haan

    University of Amsterdam

    The causal component in the intergenerational transmission of income (with Magnus Stubhaug)

    • Colloquium
  • Joel Waldfogel

    University of Minnesota

    The Welfare Effects of Gender-Inclusive Intellectual Property Creation: Evidence from Books

    • Colloquium
  • John Asker

    University of California

    The Welfare Impact of Market Power: The OPEC Cartel (with Allan Collard-Wexler and Jan De Locker)

    • Colloquium
  • Luigi Iovino

    Bocconi University

    Corporate Taxation and Carbon Emissions (joint with T. Martin and J. Sauvagnat)

    • Colloquium
  • Philipp Ager

    University of Mannheim

    Gender-biased technological change: Milking machines and the exodus of women from farming (with Marc Goni and Kjell G. Salvanes)

    • Colloquium
  • Michael Rubens


    Colluding Against Workers (with Vincent Delabastita)

    • Colloquium
  • Aureo de Paula

    University College London, CeMMAP and Institute for Fiscal Studies

    Estimating Nesting Structures (with Ali Hortacsu, Jonas Lieber and Julien Monardo)

    • Colloquium
  • Suphanit Piyapromdee

    University College London

    The Minimum Wage Effects on Earnings and Sorting (with Tanisa Tawichsri and Nada Wasi)

    • Colloquium
  • Helene Rey


    Granular credit risk

    • Colloquium
  • James Robinson

    University of Chicago

    Democracy in the 21st Century: Egalitarianism, Hierarchy and the struggle for new institutions

    • Colloquium
  • Daniele Nosenzo

    Aarhus University

    Social, Demographic, and Psychological Correlates of Lying Aversion (with Ciril Bosch-Rosa and Levent Neyse)

    • Colloquium
  • Sandeep Baliga


    Long Wars (with Tomas Sjöström)

    • Colloquium
  • Stephan Seiler

    Imperial College London

    How Much Influencer Content is Undisclosed? Evidence from Twitter

    • Colloquium
  • Michela Carlana

    Harvard Kennedy School

    The content of this event has not been announced yet. Please check back later.

    • Colloquium
  • Vasiliki Skreta

    University of Texas at Austin

    The content of this event has not been announced yet. Please check back later.

    • Colloquium
  • Matthijs Wildenbeest

    University of Arizona

    Agency Pricing and Bargaining: Evidence from the E-book Market

    • Colloquium
  • Claus Thustrup Kreiner

    University of Copenhagen

    Micro vs Macro Labor Supply Elasticities: The Role of Dynamic Compensation (with Henrik Kleven, Kristian Larsen and Jakob Søgaard)

    • Colloquium
  • Alessandro Gavazza


    Refinancing Cross-Subsidies in the Mortgage Market (co-authors Jack Fisher, Lu Liu, Tarun Ramadorai, and Jagdish Tripathy)

    • Colloquium
  • Nagore Iriberri

    University of the Basque Country

    Do Nonstrategic Considerations Matter for Behavior in Games? An Experimental Study Informed by Direct-sum Decompositions of Games (co-authors Aleix …

    • Behavioral Economics
    • Colloquium
  • Dina Pomeranz

    University of Zurich

    The Race Between Tax Enforcement and Tax Planning: Evidence From a Natural Experiment in Chile (with S Bustos, C Suárez Serrato, J Vila-Belda, and G …

    • Development Economics
    • Colloquium
  • Ekaterina Zhuravskaya

    Paris School of Economics

    Independent Media, Propaganda, and Religiosity: Evidence from Poland (With Irena Grosfeld (Paris School of Economics), Etienne Madinier (Paris School …

    • Colloquium
  • Vladimir Asriyan

    CREI and BSE

    Falling Interest Rates and Credit Reallocation: Lessons from General Equilibrium

    • Colloquium
  • Robert Clark

    Queen's University

    Hub-and-spoke cartels: Theory and evidence from the grocery industry

    • Colloquium
  • Tobias Salz


    Optimal Urban Transportation Policy: Evidence From Chicago

    • Colloquium
  • Jonas Hjort


    Input Sourcing in Lopsided Low-income Economies (with Alan Griffith and Yue Yue)

    • Colloquium
  • Kunal Sen


    Can political decentralization improve citizen welfare? Evidence clues from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in India

    • Colloquium
  • Andrei Markevich

    University of Helsinki

    Control through Empowerment: Evidence from Nation-Building in Soviet Central Asia (with Paul Castaneda Dower and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya)

    • Colloquium
  • Victor Couture


    Quantifying Social Interactions Using Smartphone Data

    • Colloquium
  • Michelle Sovinsky

    Mannheim University

    Internet (Power) to the People: How to Bridge the Digital Divide

    • Colloquium
  • Andy Zapechelnyuk

    University of Edinburgh

    Fair Sequential Search (with Karl Schlag)

    • Colloquium
  • Matthijs Wildenbeest

    University of Arizona

    The content of this event has not been announced yet. Please check back later.

    • Industrial Organization
    • Colloquium
  • Harry Pei


    Building Reputations via Summary Statistics

    • Microeconomics
    • Colloquium
  • Mikael Carlsson

    Uppsala University

    Micro PPI-Based Real Output Forensics (with Timo Boppart, Mikael Carlsson, Markus Peters)

    • Colloquium
  • Martin Hackmann


    Interdependent Values in Matching Markets: Evidence from Medical School Programs in Denmark

    • Colloquium
  • Rocco Macchiavello


    Market Transparency and Collusion in the Colombian Electricity Market (with Mario Bernasconi, Miguel Espinosa, Carlos Suarez)

    • Colloquium
  • Cristoph Trebesch

    Kiel University

    Coping with Disasters: Two Centuries of International Official Lending (with Sebastian Horn & Carmen M. Reinhart)

    • Colloquium
  • Seth Sanders

    Cornell University

    The Impact of Female Teachers on Female Students’ Lifetime Well-Being (with David Card, Ciprian Domnisoru, Lowell Taylor and Victoria Udalova))

    • Colloquium
  • John List

    University of Chicago

    The Voltage Effect

    • Colloquium
  • Gabriel Ahlfeldt


    Optimal minumum wages (with Duncan Roth and Tobias Seidel)

    • Colloquium
  • Martin Eckhoff Andresen

    University of Konstanz

    The final straw: High school dropout for marginal students

    • Labor & Public Economics
    • Colloquium
  • Michael Sinkinson

    Yale University

    Common Ownership and Competition in the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry

    • Colloquium
  • Ines Helm

    LMU Munich

    Displacement Effects in Manufacturing (joint with Alice Kuegler and Uta Schönberg)

    • Colloquium
  • Johannes Haushofer

    Stockholm University

    The Comparative Impact of Cash Transfers and a Psychotherapy Program on Psychological and Economic Well-being

    • Colloquium
  • Tessa Bold

    Institute of International Economic Studies

    Testing macroeconomics models of pandemics in low income countries using high frequency, cross-country data (with Almås, Carnap, Ghisolfi and …

    • Colloquium

    LMU Munich

    Displacement Effects in Manufacturing (joint with Alice Kuegler and Uta Schönberg)

    • Colloquium
  • Martin Blomhoff Holm

    University of Oslo

    Firm Heterogeneity and Monetary Transmission: The Importance of Liquidity

    • Colloquium
  • Olivier Tercieux

    Paris School of Economics

    Unpaired Kidney Exchange: Overcoming Double Coincidence of Wants without Money (with Akbarpour, Combe, He, Hiller, Shimer)

    • Colloquium
  • Pia Pinger

    University of Cologne & Behavior and Inequality Research Institute

    Mentoring and Schooling Decisions: Causal Evidence

    • Colloquium
  • Nezih Guner


    Rethinking the Welfare State (with Remzi Kaygusuz and Gustavo Ventura)

    • Colloquium
  • Alain Cohn

    University of Michigan

    Time, Health Risks and Motivated Optimism (with Yesim Orhun and Collin Raymond)

    • Colloquium
  • Florian Ederer


    Common Ownership, Competition, and Top Management Incentives (with Miguel Antón, Mireia Giné and Martin Schmalz)

    • Colloquium
  • Christoph Rothe


    Bias-Aware Inference in Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs (with Claudia Noack)

    • Colloquium
  • Sule Alan


    Impersonal Trust in a Just and Unjust World: Evidence from an Educational Intervention

    • Colloquium
  • Seth Zimmerman


    Old Boys’ Clubs and Upward Mobility Among the Educational Elite (with Valerie Michelman and Joseph Price)

    • Colloquium
  • J. Peter Nilsson


    What Happens when Discrimination in Academia Becomes Salient?

    • Colloquium
  • Philippe Jehiel

    PSE and UCL

    Analogy-based expectation equilibrium and related concepts: Theory, applications, and beyond

    • Colloquium
  • Luisa Fuster

    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Financing Social Security with Financial Frictions and Underground Economy: The Case of Brazil (with Andrés Erosa and Tomás)

    • Colloquium
  • Will Dobbie


    Measuring Racial Discrimination in Bail Decisions (with David Arnold and Peter Hull)

    • Colloquium
  • Federica Romei


    Why does capital flow from equal to unequal countries? (With Sergio de Ferra and Kurt Mitman)

    • Colloquium
  • John Friedman

    Brown University

    How Did COVID-19 and Stabilization Policies Affect Spending and Employment? A New Real-Time Economic Tracker Based on Private Sector Data (with Raj …

    • Colloquium
  • Luigi Pascali

    Pompeu Fabra

    Wars, Taxation and Representation: Evidence from Six Centuries of German History (with Sacha Becker, Andreas Ferrara and Eric Melander)

    • Colloquium
  • Emilio Calvano

    University of Bologna

    Artificial intelligence, algorithmic pricing and collusion (with Giacomo Calzolari, Vincenzo Denicolò, and Sergio Pastorello)

    • Colloquium
  • Estelle Cantillon

    Université libre de Bruxelles

    What is price discovery achieving in the New Zealand electricity market? (with Stefan Bergheimer and Mar Reguant)

    • Colloquium
  • Philippe Aghion

    Collegé de France and London School of Economics

    A theory of falling growth and rising rents (with Bergeaud, Boppart, Klenow and Li)

    • Colloquium
  • David Hémous

    University of Zurich

    Automating Labor: Evidence from Firm-level Patent Data (with Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Morten Olsen and Carlo Zanella)

    • Colloquium
  • Michael Weber

    University of Chicago

    IQ, Expectations, and Choice (with Francesco D’Acunto, Daniel Hoang, and Maritta Paloviita)

    • Colloquium
  • Erik Wengström

    Lund University and Hanken School of Economics

    Delegation of Financial Decisions (with Martin Holmén, Felix Holzmeister, Michael Kirchler and Matthias Stefan)

    • Colloquium
  • Tore Ellingsen

    Stockholm School of Economics

    Money Demand Recessions

    • Colloquium
  • Tarun Ramadorai


    Reference Points in the Housing Market (with Steffen Andersen, Cristian Badarinza, Lu Liu and Julie Marx)

    • Colloquium
  • Bertel Schjerning

    University of Copenhagen

    Equilibrium Trade in Automobile Markets (with Kenneth Gillingham, Fedor Iskhakov, Anders Munk-Nielsen, and John Rust)

    • Colloquium
  • Joacim Tåg


    CEO Health (joint with Matti Keloharju and Samuli Knüpfer)

    • Colloquium
  • Niels Johanssen

    University of Copenhagen

    Bailing out the Kids: New Evidence on Intra-family Insurance from 1 Billion Bank Transfers (with Asger Lau Andersen and Adam Sheridan)

    • Colloquium
  • Tommaso Monacelli

    Università Bocconi

    Tax Cuts vs. Government Spending: Welfare and the Zero Lower Bound (with R. Perotti and F. Bilbiie)

    • Colloquium
  • Thierry Mayer

    Sciences Po

    Poor Substitutes? Counterfactual methods in IO and Trade compared (with Keith Head)

    • Colloquium
  • Esther Bøler

    Imperial College

    Technology-skill complementarity in a globalized world

    • Colloquium
  • Andre Veiga

    Imperial College

    Optimal risk classification in markets with adverse selection

    • Colloquium
  • Alberto Galasso

    University of Toronto

    When does product liability risk chill innovation? Evidence from medical implants (with Hong Luo)

    • Colloquium
  • Jari Eloranta

    University of Helsinki

    Young Lads and Old Tars. Age Polarization Among Nordic Sailors, 1750 – 1950 (joint with Jari Ojala and Jaakko Pehkonen)

    • Colloquium
  • Guillaume Frechette

    New York University

    Rules and Commitment in Communication: An Experimental Analysis (with Alessandro Lizzeri and Jacopo Perego)

    • Colloquium
  • Petter Lundborg

    Lund University

    On the family origins of human capital: Evidence from donor-conceived children (with Erik Plug and Astrid Wurtz-Rasmussen)

    • Colloquium
  • Xavier Jaravel


    Optimal Taxation with Market Size Effects (with Alan Olivi)

    • Colloquium
  • John Hassler


    Integrated Assessment in a Multi-region World with Multiple Energy Sources and Endogenous Technical Change

    • Colloquium
  • Ariel Rubinstein

    Tel Aviv

    Normative Equilibrium: The permissible and the forbidden as devices for bringing order toeconomic environments

    • Colloquium
  • Steve Machin


    Trade and Worker Deskilling (with Rui Costa and Swati Dhingra)

    • Colloquium
  • Diane Schanzenbach

    Northwestern University

    School finance reform and the distribution of student achievement

    • Colloquium
  • Paola Manzini

    University of Sussex

    Sequential approval

    • Colloquium
  • Jean Tirole

    Toulouse School of Economics:

    Taxing identity: Fiscal policy and conversions in early islam (with Mohamed Saleh)

    • Colloquium
  • Olivier Marie

    Erasmus University

    Job Loss and Crime: What’s income got to do with it? (with Ilka van de Werve)

    • Colloquium
  • William Fuchs

    University of Texas at Austin:

    Liquidity Sentiments (with Vladimir Asriyan and Brett Green)

    • Colloquium
  • Ákos Valentinyi

    University of Manchester

    Structural Change in Investment and Consumption: A Unified Approach (with Berthold Herrendorf and Richard Rogerson)

    • Colloquium
  • Pontus Rendahl

    University of Cambridge

    Labor Income Risk, Asset Prices, and Unemployment Cyclicality

    • Colloquium
  • Alberto Martin

    Pompeu Fabra

    Monetary Policy for a Bubbly World (with Vladimir Asriyan, Luca Fornaro and Jaume Ventura)

    • Colloquium
  • Michael Kirchler


    Bubbles and financial professionals (with Utz Weitzel, Christoph Huber, Florian Lindner, Jürgen Huber and Julia Rose)

    • Colloquium
  • Johanna Rickne

    SOFI, Stockholm University

    All the Single Ladies: Job Promotions and the Durability of Marriage (with Olle Folke)

    • Colloquium
  • Dean Yang


    Abundance from Abroad: Migrant Earnings and Economic Development in the Philippines (with Caroline Theoharides)

    • Colloquium
  • Attila Lindner


    Reallocation and the Minimum Wage – Evidence from Germany

    • Colloquium
  • Ricardo Alonso


    Tampering with Information (with Odilon Camara)

    • Colloquium
  • Joel Shapiro


    Credit Ratings and Market Information (with Alessio Piccolo)

    • Colloquium
  • Alessandro Rebucci

    Johns Hopkins University

    International Credit Supply Shocks (with Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi and Andrea Ferrero)

    • Colloquium
  • Fabiano Schivardi


    The IT Revolution and Southern Europe’s Two Lost Decades (with Tom Schmitz)

    • Colloquium
  • Kurt Mitman


    The Fiscal Multiplier (with Iourii Manovskii and Marcus Hagedorn)

    • Colloquium
  • Dan-Olof Rooth

    SOFI, Stockholm University

    Long-Term Effects of Childhood Nutrition: Evidence from a School Lunch Reform

    • Colloquium
  • Ian Martin


    What is the Expected Return on a Stock? (with Christian Wagner)

    • Colloquium
  • Xavier D'Haultfoeuille


    Testing rational expectations using data combination (with Christophe Gaillac and Arnaud Maurel)

    • Colloquium
  • Steffen Altman


    Deadlines and Cognitive Limitations (with Christian Traxler and Philipp Weinschenk)

    • Colloquium
  • Pedro Bordalo


    Diagnostic expectations and stock returns (with NIcola Gennaioli, Rafael La Porta and Andrei Schleifer)

    • Colloquium
  • Martin Peitz


    Segmentation versus Agglomeration: Competition between Platforms with Competitive Sellers (with Heiko Karle and Markus Reisinger)

    • Colloquium
  • Thomask Lubik

    Richmond FED

    Indeterminacy and Imperfect Information (with Christian Matthes and Elmar Mertens)

    • Colloquium
  • Analia Schlosser

    Tel Aviv University

    Fostering Non-Cognitive Skills in Active Labor Market Programs: Evidence from an RCT in Israel

    • Colloquium
  • Teemu Roos

    University of Helsinki

    Artificial Intelligence: What, How, Why and other Big Questions

    • Colloquium
  • Josep Pijoan-Mas


    Investment Demand and Structural Change (with Manuel García-Santana and Lucciano Villacorta)

    • Colloquium
  • Mark Schankerman


    Screening for patent quality: Examination, fees and the courts (with Florian Schuett)

    • Colloquium
  • Robin Burgess


    The Glittering Prizes: Career Incentives and Performance within Bureaucracies (with Marianne Bertrand, Arunish Chawla and Guo Xu) The Glittering …

    • Colloquium
  • Peter H. Matthews

    Middlebury College

    Partican Bias and Expressive Voting (with Andrea Robbett)

    • Colloquium
  • Manudeep Bhuller

    University of Oslo

    How the Internet Changed the Market for Print Media (with Tarjei Havnes, Jeremy McCauley, and Magne Mogstad)

    • Colloquium
  • David Dillenberger

    University of Pennsylvania

    Group-Shift and the Consensus Effect (with Collin Raymond)

    • Colloquium
  • Mark Jacobsen

    UC San Diego

    Optimal Corrective Taxes with Untaxable Externalities: Evidence from Vehicle Pollution Standards

    • Colloquium
  • Christian Brinch

    BI Norwegian Business School

    How Does Retirement Behavior Respond to Drastic Changes in Social Security Rules? Evidence from the Norwegian 2011 Pension Reform (with Ola Vestad …

    • Colloquium
  • Kalina Manova

    University of Oxford

    Managing Trade: Evidence from China and the US (with Nick Bloom, John Van Reenen, Stephen Sun and Zhihong Yu)

    • Colloquium
  • Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln

    Goethe Universität

    How Do Hours Worked Vary with Income? Cross-Country Evidence and Implications (joint with Alexander Bick and David Lagakos)

    • Colloquium
  • Mike Elsby

    University of Edinburgh

    Vacancy Chains

    • Colloquium
  • Alessandro Tarozzi

    Pompeu Fabra

    An Evaluation of Alternative Strategies to Increase Demand for and Responses to Information on Arsenic-contaminated Tubewell Water in Bangladesh …

    • Colloquium
  • Koichiro Ito

    University of Chicago

    Information Frictions, Inertia, and Selection on Elasticity: A Field Experiment on Electricity Tariff Choice

    • Colloquium
  • Erik Lindqvist

    Stockholm School of Economics

    The Effect of Wealth on Subjective Health, Life Satisfaction and Political Attitudes: Evidence from a Survey of Swedish Lottery Winners

    • Colloquium
  • Battista Severgnini

    Copenhagen Business School

    Time for Growth (with Lars Boerner)

    • Colloquium
  • Roland Strausz

    Humboldt University

    Sequential versus Static Screening: An equivalence result (with Daniel Krähmer)

    • Colloquium
  • Eric French


    The Effect of Disability Insurance Receipt on Labor Supply: a Dynamic Analysis (with Jae Song)

    • Colloquium
  • Pierre Dubois

    Toulouse School of Economics

    Profits in the Pharmaceutical Sector (with Morten Saethre)

    • Colloquium
  • Michel Maréchal


    The Honest Citizen: Evidence from Nationwide Field Experiments

    • Colloquium
  • George Nöldeke

    University of Basel

    The Implementation Duality (with Larry Samuelson)

    • Colloquium
  • Scott Stern


    The State of American Entrepreneurship: New Estimates of the Quantity and Quality of US Entrepreneurship for 15 US States, 1988-2014 (with Jorge …

    • Colloquium
  • Manfred Deistler

    TU Wien

    Linear dynamic models and mixed frequency data

    • Colloquium
  • Vernon Henderson


    Building the city: sunk capital, sequencing, and institutional frictions (with Tanner Regan and Anthony Venables)

    • Colloquium
  • Andreas Moxnes

    University of Oslo

    Better, Faster, Stronger: Global Innovation and Trade Liberalization (with Federica Coelli and Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe)

    • Colloquium
  • Ulrich Doraszelski

    University of Pennsylvania

    Is Dynamic Competition Socially Beneficial? The Case of Price as Investment (with David Besanko and Yaroslav Kryukov)

    • Colloquium
  • Jean-Marc Tallon


    Asset Allocation and Trade under Heterogeneous Ambiguity Aversion (with Mukerji and Ozsoylev)

    • Colloquium
  • Markus Jäntti

    University of Helsinki

    Wage inequality, participation tax rates and living standards

    • Colloquium
  • Seema Jayachandran

    Northwestern University

    Cash for Carbon: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Payments for Ecosystem Services to Reduce Deforestation

    • Colloquium
  • Hunt Allcott

    New York University

    Dutch Disease or Agglomeration? The Local Economic Effects of Natural Resource Booms in Modern America

    • Colloquium
  • Dominic Rohner


    Networks in Conflict: Theory and Evidence from the Great War of Africa (joint with Michael König, Mathias Thoenig and Fabrizio Zilibotti)

    • Colloquium
  • Ghazala Azmat

    Queen Mary University of London

    Residential Segregation and Ethnicity

    • Colloquium
  • Ryan Kellogg


    Asymmetric Information, Royalty Distortions, and Drilling Deadlines: Understanding Oil and Gas Lease Contracts (with Evan Herrnstadt and Eric Lewis)

    • Colloquium
  • Daniel Krähmer


    The Optimal Allocation of Decision and Exit Rights in Organizations (with Helmut Bester)

    • Colloquium
  • Simon Anderson

    University of Virginia

    Aggregative Oligopoly Games with Entry (with Nisvan Erkal and Daniel Piccinin)

    • Colloquium
  • Ricardo Reis


    Inflating Away the Public Debt? An Empirical Assessment

    • Colloquium
  • Matthew Shum


    The Welfare Effects of Endogenous Quality Choice in Cable Television Markets

    • Colloquium
  • Nobuhiro Kiyotaki

    Princeton University

    Monetary and Financial Policies in Emerging Markets

    • Colloquium
  • Maria Petrova

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    Social Media and Protest Participation: Evidence from Russia

    • Colloquium
  • Arash Nekoei


    Inheritance and Wealth Inequality

    • Colloquium
  • Josef Zweimüller


    International arbitrage and the extensive margin of trade between rich and poor countries

    • Colloquium
  • Per Petterson-Lidbom


    Political Institutions and Economic Development: Evidence from Sweden

    • Colloquium
  • Pascaline Dupas


    The Daily Grind: Cash Needs, Labor Supply and Self-Control

    • Colloquium
  • Matthias Sutter

    University of Cologne

    CSI economics: How customers’ insurance coverage induces sellers’ dishonesty in markets for credence goods

    • Colloquium
  • Scott Kominers


    Strategy-Proofness, Investment Efficiency, and Marginal Returns: An Equivalence (with John Hatfield and Fuhito Kojima)

    • Colloquium
  • Enrique Mendoza


    Distributional Incentives in an Equilibrium Model of Domestic Sovereign Default

    • Colloquium
  • Stephan Lauermann


    Manipulated Electorates and Information Aggregation (with Mehmet Ekmekci)

    • Colloquium
  • Veronica Rappoport


    Specialization in Bank Lending: Evidence from Exporting Firms

    • Colloquium
  • Dennis Kristensen


    Modeling Corporate Defaults: Poisson Autoregressions with Exogeneous Covariates

    • Colloquium
  • Paul Devereux

    University College Dublin

    On the Origins of Risk-Taking

    • Colloquium
  • Peter Norman

    University of North Carolina

    Matching with Frictions and Entry with Poisson Distributed Buyers and Sellers

    • Colloquium
  • Yuliy Sannikov


    Dynamic Trading: Price Inertia, Front-Running and Relationship Banking (with Andy Skrzypacz)

    • Colloquium
  • David Huffman

    University of Oxford

    The Complementarity of Trust and Institutions

    • Colloquium
  • Justin Johnson


    Unplanned Purchases and Retail Competition

    • Colloquium
  • Denis Gromb


    The Dynamics of Financially Constrained Arbitrage

    • Colloquium
  • Konrad Burchardi

    IIES Stockholm

    Moral Hazard: Experimental Evidence from Tenancy Contracts

    • Colloquium
  • Peter Neary


    Technology, Demand, and the Size Distribution of Firms (with Monika Mrázová and Mathieu Parenti)

    • Colloquium
  • Johannes Spinnewijn


    The Optimal Timing of Unemployment Benefits: Theory and Evidence from Sweden (with Jonas Kolsrud (Uppsala), Camille Landais (LSE) and Peter Nilsson …

    • Colloquium
  • Jeremy Lise


    Multidimensional Skills, Sorting, and Human Capital Accumulation (with Fabien Postel-Vinay)

    • Colloquium
  • Katja Seim


    Drip Pricing When Consumers Have Limited Foresight: Evidence from Driving School Fees (with Maria Ana Vitorinoz and David Muir)

    • Colloquium
  • Ruben Enikolopov

    Institute for Political Economy and Governance; Universitat Pompeu Fabra; New Economic School

    Electoral Rules and Political Selection: Theory and Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan

    • Colloquium
  • Andrea Ichino


    The Tower of Babel in the Classroom – Immigrants and Natives in Italian Schools

    • Colloquium
  • Samuli Ripatti

    University of Helsinki, FIMM

    Reading your genome: What can you learn about behaviour, disease risks and personalized health?

    • Colloquium
  • Alex Gershkov

    Hebrew University

    Optimal Voting Rules (with Benny Moldovanu and Xianwen Shi)

    • Colloquium
  • Lars Ljungqvist


    The Fundamental Surplus in Matching Models

    • Colloquium
  • Mirko Draca


    On Target? The Incidence of Sanctions Across Listed Firms in Iran

    • Colloquium
  • Nick Netzer


    Informational Requirements of Nudging

    • Colloquium
  • Lars Stole

    University of Chicago

    Menu Auctions and Influence Games with Private Information (with David Martimort)

    • Colloquium
  • David Dorn

    University of Zurich

    Trade Adjustment: Worker Level Evidence (with David Autor, Gordon Hanson and Jae Song)

    • Colloquium
  • Marcus Hagedorn


    Demand Stimulus and Inflation: Empirical Evidence (with Jessie Handbury and Iourii Manovskii)

    • Colloquium
  • David McKenzie

    World Bank

    Identifying and Spurring High-Growth Entrepreneurship: Experimental Evidence from a Business Plan Competition

    • Colloquium
  • David K. Levine


    Peer discipline and incentives within groups

    • Colloquium
  • Yuya Takahashi

    Johns Hopkins University

    Competitive Price Discrimination in an Intermediate Goods Market (with Walter Beckert and Howard Smith)

    • Colloquium
  • Thomas Noe


    Ownership structure, organizational reform and corporate reputations

    • Colloquium
  • Guillaume Plantin


    Destabilizing carry trades (with Hyun Shin)

    • Colloquium
  • Uta Schönberg


    The Local Effects of Migration: Evidence from the Opening of the Czech-German Border (with Christian Dustmann and Jan Stuhler)

    • Colloquium
  • Ferdinand Rauch


    Resetting the Urban Network (with Guy Michaels)

    • Colloquium
  • Barbara Rossi

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    Forecast Rationality Tests in the Presence of Instabilities, With Applications to Federal Reserve and Survey Forecasts (with T. Sekhposyan)

    • Colloquium
  • Cyril Monnet

    University of Bern

    Relationships in the Interbank Market (with Jonathan Chiu)

    • Colloquium
  • Joel Slemrod

    University of Michigan

    The Consequences of Firm-Based Taxation: A Tax-Systems Approach

    • Colloquium
  • Jan van Ours

    Tilburg University

    Cannabis Use and Support for Cannabis Legalization

    • Colloquium
  • Nicola Pavoni

    Università Bocconi

    Optimal Income Taxation with Asset Accumulation (with A. Abraham (EUI, Florence), and S. Koehne (IIES, Stockholm))

    • Colloquium
  • Miklós Koren

    Central European University

    Bridges (with Roc Arementer and David Krisztian Nagy)

    • Colloquium
  • Daniel Friedman

    UC Santa Cruz

    Risky Curves: On the Empirical Failures of Expected Utility (Talk based on a book published a few weeks ago by Routledge.Coauthored with Duncan …

    • Colloquium
  • Refet Gürkaynak

    Bilkent University

    Judging the DSGE Model by Its Forecast

    • Colloquium
  • Éric Maurin

    Paris School of Economics

    Following the Crowd: Leisure Complementarities Beyond the Household (with Simon Georges-Kot and Dominique Goux)

    • Colloquium
  • Nicolas Treich

    Toulouse School of Economics

    Consumption, Risk and Prioritarianism (with Matthew D. Adler)

    • Colloquium
  • Marina Halac

    Columbia University

    Contests for Experimentation (with Navin Kartik and Qingmin Liu)

    • Colloquium
  • Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe

    Columbia University

    The Making of a Great Contraction With A Liquidity Trap and A Jobless Recovery (with Martin Uribe)

    • Colloquium
  • Francesco Lippi

    EIEF, USassari

    Small and Large Price Changes and the Propagation of Monetary Shocks

    • Colloquium
  • Allan Collard-Wexler

    New York University

    Reallocation and Technology: Evidence from the U.S. Steel Industry (with Jan De Loecker)

    • Colloquium
  • Heikki Rantakari

    University of Southern California

    Conflict Resolution and Organizational Influence

    • Colloquium
  • Dirk Engelmann

    University of Mannheim

    Tailored Bayesian Mechanisms: Experimental Evidence from Two-Stage Voting Games (with Hans Peter Grüner)

    • Colloquium
  • Paolo Sodini

    Stockholm School of Economics

    Household Portfolio Decisions: Evidence from Sweden (with Luigi Guiso)

    • Colloquium
  • Katrine V. Løken

    University of Bergen

    What Is the Case for Paid Maternity Leave? (with Gordon Dahl, Magne Mogstad, and Kari Salvanes)

    • Colloquium
  • Erik Sörensen

    NHH Bergen

    You’ve got mail: A randomised field experiment on tax evasion

    • Colloquium
  • Claus Kreiner

    University of Copenhagen

    Distributional effects of inheritance

    • Colloquium
  • John Leahy


    Markets for Indivisible Goods

    • Colloquium
  • Alp Atakan

    Koc University

    Auctions, Actions, and the Failure of Information Aggregation (with Mehmet Ekmekci)

    • Colloquium
  • Kaivan Munshi


    Inclusive Institutions and Long-Run Misallocation (with Oded Galor and Nicholas Wilson)

    • Colloquium
  • Maitreesh Ghatak

    London School of Economics

    Pro…fit with Purpose? A Theory of Social Enterprise with Experimental Evidence (joint with Timothy Besley)

    • Colloquium
  • Frédèric Warzynski

    Aarhus School of Business

    Performance, career dynamics, and span of control (with Valérie Smeets and Michael Waldman)

    • Colloquium
  • François Salanié


    On Competitive Nonlinear Pricing (joint with Andrea Attar and Thomas Mariotti)

    • Colloquium
  • Peter Reinhard Hansen


    Parameter Estimation with Out-of-Sample Objective (joint with Elena-Ivona Dumitrescu)

    • Colloquium
  • Tommaso Monacelli

    Università Bocconi

    Tax Cuts vs. Government Spending: Welfare and the Zero Lower Bound

    • Colloquium
  • Christian Hellwig

    Toulouse School of Economics

    Optimal Regulation in the Presence of Reputation Concerns (with Andy Atkeson and Guillermo Ordonez)

    • Colloquium
  • Michael Kosfeld

    Goethe Universität Frankfurt

    Leader Punishment and Cooperation in Groups: Experimental Field Evidence from Commons Management in Ethiopia (with Devesh Rustagi)

    • Colloquium
  • Olivier Compte

    Paris School of Economics

    Strategy restrictions and limited knowledge (with Andrew Postlewaite). See also Simple Auctions.

    • Colloquium
  • Daniel Paravisini

    London School of Economics

    The Information and Agency Effects of Scores: Randomized Evidence from Credit Committees (with Antoinette Schoar)

    • Colloquium
  • Michèle Tertilt

    University of Mannheim

    An Equilibrium Model of the African HIV/AIDS Epidemic (with Jeremy Greenwood, Philipp Kircher, and Cezar Santos)

    • Colloquium
  • Pierre Cahuc


    Hiring Subsidies in Bad Times: Do they work? (with Stéphane Carcillo and Thomas Le Barbanchon)

    • Colloquium
  • Oriana Bandiera

    London School of Economics

    Managing Firms in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from the Time Use of Indian CEOs (with Andrea Prat and Rafaella Sadun)

    • Colloquium
  • Bertil Tungodden

    NHH Bergen

    Edutainment for entrepreneurship: A field experiment in Tanzania (with Kjetil Bjorvatn, Alexander W. Cappelen, Linda Helgesson,and Erik Ø. Sørensen)

    • Colloquium
  • Adam Szeidl

    Central European University

    Treasure Hunt (with Markus Mobius and Tuan Phan)

    • Colloquium
  • Magne Mogstad

    University College London

    Family Welfare Cultures (with Andreas Kostøl and Gordon Dahl)

    • Colloquium
  • Bartosz Maćkowiak

    European Central Bank

    Business Cycle Dynamics under Rational Inattention (with Mirko Wiederholt)

    • Colloquium
  • Nicholas Bedard

    University of Western Ontario

    The Strategically Ignorant Principal (HECER job talk)

    • Colloquium
  • Marlène Isoré

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    International propagation of financial shocks in a search and matching environment (HECER job talk)

    • Colloquium
  • Tasos Dosis

    University of Warwick

    Strategic Foundations for Efficient Competitive Markets with Adverse Selection (HECER job talk)

    • Colloquium
  • Andrea Galeotti

    University of Essex

    Selling Through Referrals (with Daniele Condorelli and Vasiliki Skreta)

    • Colloquium
  • Pentti Saikkonen

    University of Helsinki

    A Gaussian mixture autoregressive model for univariate time series

    • Colloquium
  • Torun Dewan

    London School of Economics

    The Role of Factions

    • Colloquium
  • Natalia Zinovyeva

    CSIC Madrid

    The Role of Connections in Academic Promotions (with Manuel Bagues)

    • Colloquium
  • Peter Fredriksson

    Stockholm University

    Inside the black box of class size effects: Behavioral responses to class size variation

    • Colloquium
  • Felix Kübler

    University of Zürich, ISB

    Margin Requirements and Asset Prices

    • Colloquium
  • Sixten Korkman

    Aalto University

    Euro Area Debt Crisis: Past, Present and Future

    • Colloquium
  • Syed Nageeb Ali


    Enforcing Cooperation in Networked Societies (with David Miller)

    • Colloquium
  • Brett Gordon

    Columbia University

    Political Advertising and the Electoral College (with Wesley Hartmann)

    • Colloquium
  • Yves Zenou

    Stockholm University

    Criminal Networks: Who is the Key Player? (with Xiaodong Liu, Eleonora Patacchini and Lung-Fei Lee)

    • Colloquium
  • Evi Pappa

    European University Institute

    Government consumption, investment, or employment to boost the economy? There is no trilemma (with Dimitrios Bermperoglou and Eugenia Vella)

    • Colloquium
  • Otto Toivanen

    Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

    The Anatomy of Cartel Contracts (with Ari Hyytinen and Frode Steen)

    • Colloquium
  • Nagore Iriberri

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    Let’s (Not) Talk about Sex: Gender Awareness and Stereotype-Threat on Performance under Competition (with Pedro Rey-Biel)

    • Colloquium
  • Thomas Mariotti

    Toulouse School of Economics

    Nonexclusive Competition under Adverse Selection (with Andrea Attar and François Salanié)

    • Colloquium
  • Pedro Teles

    Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Banco de Portugal

    Unconventional Fiscal Policy at the Zero Bound (with Isabel Correia, Emmanuel Farhi and Juan Pablo Nicolini)

    • Colloquium
  • Herman van Dijk

    Erasmus University

    Simulation based Bayes Procedures for Three 21-st Century Key Research Issues (with Nalan Basturk, Peter DeKnijff, Lennart Hoogerheide, and Koene Van …

    • Colloquium
  • Christina Gathmann

    University of Heidelberg

    Taxing Childcare – Effects on Family Labor Supply and Children (with Björn Sass)

    • Colloquium
  • Juan-Pablo Montero


    Multimarket Contact, Bundling and Collusive Behavior (with Esperanza Johnson)

    • Colloquium
  • Ed Hopkins

    University of Edinburgh

    Inequality and Risk-Taking Behaviour

    • Colloquium
  • Javier Suarez


    A Macroeconomic Model of Endogenous Systemic Risk Taking (with David Martinez-Miera, University Carlos III)

    • Colloquium
  • Francis Kramarz


    When Strong Ties are Strong: Networks and Youth Labor Market Entry (with Oskar Nordström Skans)

    • Colloquium
  • Avi Goldfarb

    University of Toronto

    The Trillion Dollar Conundrum: Complementarities and Health Information Technology(with David Dranove, Chris Forman, and Shane Greenstein)

    • Colloquium
  • Kjell Salvanes

    Norwegian School of Economics

    A Flying Start? Long Term Consequences of Maternal Time Maternity Leave and Investments in Children During Their First Year of Life (with Pedro …

    • Colloquium
  • Christopher Taber

    University of Wisconsin Madison

    Estimation of a Roy/Search/Compensating Differential Model of the Labor Market

    • Colloquium
  • Xiaodong Fan

    University of Wisconsin

    Retiring Cold Turkey

    • Colloquium
  • Rudolf Winter-Ebmer

    University of Linz

    The Causal Effect of Education on Health: What is the Role of Health Behaviors? (with Giorgio Brunello, Margherita Fort and Nicole Schneeweis)

    • Colloquium
  • Daniel Waldenström

    Uppsala University

    Lifetime versus Annual Tax Progressivity: Sweden, 1968–2009 (with Niklas Bengtsson and Bertil Holmlund)

    • Colloquium
  • Kevin Sheedy


    A Model of Equilibrium Institutions

    • Colloquium
  • Charles Noussair

    Tilburg University

    Higher Order Risk Attitudes, Demographics, and Financial Decisions (joint with Trautmann and van de Kuilen)

    • Colloquium
  • Armin Falk

    University of Bonn

    Preferences and Personality: Heterogeneity, Determinants and Formation

    • Colloquium
  • Tore Ellingsen

    Stockholm School of Economics

    How Does Communication Affect Beliefs (with Robert Östling and Erik Wengström)

    • Colloquium
  • Samuli Knüpfer


    IQ and mutual fund choice (with Mark Grinblatt, Seppo Ikäheimo and Matti Keloharju)

    • Colloquium
  • Jakub Steiner

    Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern

    Sand in the Wheels: A Dynamic Global Game Approach (with Laurent Mathevet)

    • Colloquium
  • Caterina Calsamiglia

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

    All about priorities: On how there is no school choice under the presence of bad schools

    • Colloquium
  • Sven Rady

    University of Bonn

    Strongly Symmetric Equilibria in Bandit Games

    • Colloquium
  • Andrea Weber

    University of Mannheim

    Nonparametric Evidence on the Effects of Financial Incentives on Retirement Decisions (with Day Manoli)

    • Colloquium
  • Andreas Lange

    University of Hamburg

    Social Preferences of Clinicians: Evidence from Experiments in Tanzania

    • Colloquium
  • Eyal Winter

    Hebrew University

    How to Throw a Party: Contracting with Type Dependent Externalities

    • Colloquium
  • Doh-Shin Jeon

    Toulouse School of Economics

    Natural Barrier to Entry in the Credit Rating Industry (with Stefano Lovo)

    • Colloquium
  • Paolo Surico


    Heterogeneous Responses and Aggregate Impact of the 2001 Income Tax Rebates (joint with Kanishka Misra)

    • Colloquium
  • Fabio Canova

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    Fiscal Policy, Pricing Frictions and Monetary Accommodation

    • Colloquium
  • Andrew Sweeting

    Duke University

    Competition versus Auction Design (with James Roberts)

    • Colloquium
  • Greg Fisher

    London School of Economics

    Measuring and Using Willingness-to-Pay: An Application to Clean Water Technology in Ghana

    • Colloquium
  • Harris Dellas

    University of Bern

    Fiscal Multipliers in Recessions (with Matthew Canzoneri, Fabrice Collard and Behzad Diba)

    • Colloquium
  • Ted Bergstrom

    University of California

    Altruism and the Bone Marrow Registry

    • Colloquium
  • Daniel Hamermesh

    University of Texas at Austin

    Beauty Is the Promise of Happiness? (with Jason Abrevaya)

    • Colloquium
  • Ingvild Almås

    Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration

    China’s growth miracle − Still awaiting the Great Leap Forward?

    • Colloquium
  • Laurence Jacquet

    Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration

    Optimal Redistributive Taxation with both Extensive and Intensive Responses (with Etienne Lehmann and Bruno Van der Linden)

    • Colloquium
  • Mark Armstrong


    Exploding Offers and Buy-Now Discounts (with Jidong Zhou)

    • Colloquium
  • Jesper Roine

    Stockholm School of Economics

    Intergenerational Top Income Mobility in Sweden (with Anders Björklund and Daniel Waldenström)

    • Colloquium
  • Philipp Kircher

    London School of Economics

    Sorting and Factor Intensity: Production and Unemployment across Skills (with Jan Eeckhout)

    • Colloquium
  • Robert Hauswald

    American University

    Authority and Information (with Sumit Agarwal)

    • Colloquium
  • Alessandro Gavazza

    NYU Stern

    An Empirical Equilibrium Model of a Decentralized Asset Market

    • Colloquium
  • Giovanni Peri

    UC Davis

    The Wage Effects of Immigration and Emigration (with Frédéric Docquier and Caglar Özden)

    • Colloquium
  • Jacob Goeree

    University of Zürich

    Spectrum Auction Design, related papers:

    • Colloquium
  • Ragnar Torvik

    Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    Endogenous Presidentialism

    • Colloquium
  • Sten Nyberg

    Stockholm University

    Welfare Cultures, Recessions and Unemployment Duration

    • Colloquium
  • Botond Kőszegi

    University of California, Berkeley

    Regular Prices and Sales (with Paul Heidhues)

    • Colloquium
  • Manuel Bagues

    Universidad Carlos III

    Politicians’ Luck of the Draw: Evidence from the Spanish Christmas Lottery (with Berta Esteve-Volart)

    • Colloquium
  • Richard Friberg

    Stockholm School of Economics

    Using demand systems to evaluate risky projects: An application to the automobile industry (with Cristian Huse)

    • Colloquium
  • Andrew Schotter

    New York University

    Intrinsic and Instrumental Reciprocity: An Experimental Study (with Luis Cabral and Erkut Y. Ozbay)

    • Colloquium
  • Guglielmo Maria Caporale

    Univ of Brunel

    Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in the Euro Area (with Luca Onorante and Paolo Paesani)

    • Colloquium
  • Paul Oyer

    Stanford GSB

    Firm/Employee Matching: An Industry Study of American Lawyers (with Scott Schaefer)

    • Colloquium
  • Vincenzo Galasso

    IGIER / Università Bocconi

    When the State Mirrors the Family: The Design of Pension Systems (with Paola Profeta)

    • Colloquium
  • Jose Luis Moraga-Gonzales

    University of Groningen

    Do Firms Sell Forward for Strategic Reasons? An application to the Wholesale Market for Natural Gas (with Remco van Eijkel)

    • Colloquium
  • Kristof Madarasz


    Screening with an Approximate Type Space (with Andrea Prat)

    • Colloquium
  • Hannu Vartiainen

    Turku School of Economics

    Auction Design without Commitment

    • Colloquium
  • Kjetil Storesletten

    Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

    Redistributive Taxation in a Partial-Insurance Economy (with Jonathan Heathcote and Gianluca Violante)

    • Colloquium
  • Dezsö Szalay

    University of Bonn

    Regulating a Multi-Product and Multi-Type Monopolist

    • Colloquium
  • Estelle Cantillon

    ECARES / Université Libre de Bruxelles

    Competition between Exchanges: Lessons from the Battle of the Bund (with Pai-ling Yin)

    • Colloquium
  • Howard Smith

    University of Oxford

    Local Clustering in Commercial Radio: Scale Economies or Product Positioning?

    • Colloquium
  • Anna Piil Damm

    Aarhus University

    The Effect of Growing Up in a High Crime Area on Criminal Behaviour: Evidence from a Random Allocation Experiment (with Christian Dustmann)

    • Colloquium
  • Aleksander Berentsen

    University of Basel

    Optimal Monetary Policy in a Channel System, related paper: Monetary policy in a channel system

    • Colloquium
  • Uwe Sunde

    University of St Gallen

    Life Expectancy and Economic Growth: The Role of the Demographic Transition (with Matteo Cervellati)

    • Colloquium
  • Alexander Ljungqvist

    New York University

    Monitoring Managers: Does it Matter? (with Francesca Cornelli and Zbigniew Kominek)

    • Colloquium
  • Amil Dasgupta

    London School of Economics

    The Price Impact of Institutional Herding (with Andrea Prat and Michela Verardo)

    • Colloquium
  • Gino Gancia

    CREI/ Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    Politicians, Uncertainty and Reforms (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli)

    • Colloquium
  • Michael Hoel

    University of Oslo

    Climate change and carbon tax expectations

    • Colloquium
  • Seppo Honkapohja

    Bank of Finland

    Expectations, Deflation Traps and Macroeconomic Policy (with George Evans)

    • Colloquium
  • Ralf Martin

    CEP/London School of Economics

    The Impacts of the Climate Change Levy on Business: Evidence from Microdata (with Laure de Preux and Ulrich Wagner)

    • Colloquium
  • Fabrizio Zilibotti

    University of Zurich

    Technological Change, Firms’ Organization and the Wealth of Nations

    • Colloquium
  • Uskali Mäki

    Academy of Finland

    What’s the point of unrealistic models? A philosopher of economic sanswers the question he raised long ago as an economics student, related paper: …

    • Colloquium
  • Tarjei Havnes

    University of Oslo

    Is Universal Child Care Leveling the Playing Field? Evidence from Non-Linear Differences-in-Differences (with Magne Mogstad Statistics Norway)

    • Colloquium
  • Balázs Szentes

    University College London

    Contractible Contracts in Common Agency Problems

    • Colloquium
  • Helmut Bester

    Free University, Berlin

    Exit Options in Incomplete Contracts with Asymmetric Information (joint with Daniel Krähmer)

    • Colloquium
  • Rohini Pande

    Harvard University

    Do Social Interactions Facilitate Cooperative Behavior? Evidence from a Group Lending Experiment in India

    • Colloquium
  • Leena Rudanko

    Boston University

    Labor Market Dynamics under Long-Term Wage Contracting

    • Colloquium
  • Bård Harstad

    Northwestern University

    The Dynamics of Climate Agreements

    • Colloquium
  • Matteo Cervellati

    University of Bologna

    The Economic and Demographic Transition, Mortality, and Comparative Development

    • Colloquium
  • Pierre Dubois

    Toulouse School of Economics

    Non Linear Contracting and Endogenous Buyer Power between Manufacturers and Retailers: Identification and Estimation on Differentiated Products

    • Colloquium
  • Gilat Levy

    London School of Economics

    A Dynamic Model of Agenda Formation

    • Colloquium
  • Nicola Gennaioli

    Pompeu Fabra

    Institutions and Foreign Finance: Sovereign and Private Flows

    • Colloquium
  • Tymon Tatur

    University of Bonn

    Correlated k-Equilibrium

    • Colloquium
  • Bruno Decreuse

    University of Aix-Marseilles II

    Matching with phantoms

    • Colloquium